Friday, November 2, 2012

Welcome to The School Counselor Connecting Point!

I am starting this blog after attending the 2012 All Ohio Counselor's Conference.  I attended a session on blogging and was inspired to start a blog.  As a school counselor, I often feel isolated in my position. I am not a teacher or an administrator...I know my position has immense value to school (students, parents, teachers) but I often feel lonely in my position.  Let me point out, this is just the nature of the position and it is no one's fault.  Since I have worked as a school counselor, I have worked solo except for last year and half of this year. Currently, I work with another school counselor, Maria,  but in January we will go our separate ways to our new buildings.     I have found great value in the professional relationship and personal friendship we have created that includes collaboration, team work, consulting.    So, learning from this experience, I thought why not create a blog to connect with other counselors to collaborate, share, develop friendships and create a network of caring people?     

While the focus of the this blog is on colleages in School  Counseling to connect, I warmly welcome anyone to this site who is interested in helping and caring for people.  I also invite you to learn more about the often misunderstood field of school counseling. 

I also want to connect to parents who have an abundance of 21st century challenges as they raise their children to become productive members of our evolving society.